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Ifremer – Protecting the ocean together: knowledge for action


In 2020, on the eve of the Second International Conference on Ocean Preservation (Lisbon, June 2-6), the World Conservation Congress (Marseilles, June 11-19) and COP15 for Biodiversity (end 2020 in China), prior to COP26 for Climate, (November 9-19 in the UK), and at a time when, under the aegis of UNESCO, the broad outlines of the “2021-2030 Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development” initiated by the United Nations are taking shape, Ifremer wished to reiterate its special place as a scientific research organization dedicated to the ocean. Ifremer also intended to mobilize its scientific and institutional partners, as well as representatives of civil society – NGOs and the economic sphere – to discuss and reflect with them on major research issues, and thus help inform everyone’s proposals for sustainable management and protection of the ocean.

Chances Conseil’s Proposal:

Prepare the discussion day with 3 one-day workshops, allowing everyone to express their views and come up with a series of proposals.
A one-day colloquium on such an ambitious theme is, indeed, very short. So, the preparatory workshops, led by Ifremer researchers, provided an opportunity to listen to and understand the expectations of the various stakeholders who benefit from Ifremer’s research: institutions, professionals, nature protection organizations…


Organized well in advance of the symposium, the 3 workshops brought together an average of 30 participants from the different seaboards.

The symposium took place on Thursday, March 12, 2020, and resulted in a series of proposals forwarded to Ifremer’s supervisory bodies.