Our work
CNR – Preparing for the World Conservation Congress
Since 1934, the French government has entrusted CNR, the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (National Company of the Rhône River), with the concession of the Rhône River, assigning it 3 interrelated missions: power generation, navigability and agricultural irrigation.
From the end of the 1990s, CNR worked with all its partners to implement one of the most ambitious river restoration programs ever undertaken on an international scale.
On the eve of the World Conservation Congress to be held in Marseille, CNR asked Chances Conseil to produce a comprehensive presentation of the event, highlighting the contribution made by the company and its teams to the protection of biodiversity.
More than a dozen interviews with the company’s employees, the reading of reports, studies and assessments produced by the company, the State, local authorities, scientists and organizations were compiled to produce a 25-page presentation of CNR’s action to protect Biodiversity.